Put your learning into action! Gather, Plan, and Execute all your new skills from the Building Trust and Influence course. Write short, simple notes for each question, focusing only on what comes to mind first. Answers should be brief, as they will change with your pursuits or direction.
Establish a daily routine to review the BTI action checklist until completion.
Start by gathering information about your current state to identify areas for improvement.
Reflect on Your Trust-Building:
- Think about a recent situation where you needed to build trust. How did you demonstrate competence, integrity, and benevolence? What could you have done better?
- How can you proactively demonstrate your expertise and build a track record of success in your current role?
Analyze Your Influence:
- Reflect on a past situation where you tried to influence someone. Which principles of persuasion did you use, if any? What was the outcome?
- Identify your current network. Who are the key stakeholders and influencers you need to connect with? How can you build stronger relationships with them?
Assess Your Current Strategies:
- Think about your current approach to influencing without authority. Do you lead by example? Do you build coalitions? Do you effectively use data and evidence?
- Identify an upcoming opportunity to practice negotiation or persuasion. How can you prepare for this situation?
Consider Your Long-Term Impact:
- How are you currently empowering and developing others?
- What steps are you taking to build a strong reputation and manage your brand online and offline?
- Reflect on the organizational dynamics within your workplace. How can you navigate these dynamics more effectively?
Create a plan, set realistic goals, leverage your notes, and develop strategies to improve trust and influence.
- Choose one specific action this week to demonstrate competence, integrity, or benevolence in your interactions.
- Identify an upcoming situation where you need to influence someone. Select one or two principles of persuasion that you will consciously apply in this situation. Plan how you will use them ethically and effectively.
- This week, develop a strategy for connecting with one new key stakeholder or influencer. How will you initiate contact and build a relationship?
- Select one upcoming project or task where you can practice leading by example. What specific actions will you take?
- Choose an opportunity to build a coalition or alliance around a shared goal. Identify the key individuals you need to involve and how you will approach them.
- Identify a situation where you need to make a case or argument. Gather data and evidence to support your position. How will you present this information persuasively?
- Identify one person you can mentor or support in their development. Schedule a time to connect with them and offer your guidance.
- Review your online presence (e.g., LinkedIn profile). What updates or changes can you make to reflect your expertise and desired personal brand?
Put your plan into action and continuously evaluate your progress. Seek and utilize feedback and actively engage in ongoing development.
- Implement your chosen action to demonstrate competence, integrity, or benevolence. Reflect on the outcome.
- Apply your chosen influence principles in the identified situation. Observe the results and adjust your approach as needed.
- Reach out to the new stakeholder you identified and begin building a relationship.
- Implement your plan for leading by example. Seek feedback from others on your effectiveness.
- Initiate your plan to build a coalition or alliance. Document the progress and challenges.
- Present your data-driven argument or proposal. Reflect on the response and identify areas for improvement in your presentation style.
- Connect with the person you identified for mentoring or support. Offer specific guidance and resources.
- Update your online presence based on your plan.
- Continuous Improvement: Seek feedback from trusted colleagues, mentors, or friends on your progress in building trust and influencing without authority. Use this feedback to refine your approach and continue developing your skills.
By consistently working through this checklist, you can effectively apply the principles of building trust and influencing in your daily work, ultimately becoming a more effective leader. Remember, this is an ongoing process – keep learning, practicing, and growing!