The Mission
Create straightforward content about corporate information systems(CIS) engineering and leadership practices for individuals and organizations seeking actionable insights and direction.
The Drive
Your very own personal coach, pulling together content that connects you with those critical “Ah-Ha” I get it moments. Continually develop the skills and capabilities required to adapt to this challenging field we love.
The Mentor
I’ve had the privilege of discovering my passion for tech early on. From the ripe old age of 8, the desire remains a complete joy. Throughout the journey, I’ve been fortunate to have amazing mentors, challenging opportunities, and exposure to environments that forged my understanding of CIS from the inside out.
That journey continues in this content. Throughout my career, I have always wanted a resource that could lead me from the highest 10k-foot view into the trenches while maintaining clarity of the bigger picture. This content is a mixture of inspirations from cutting-edge LLMs adapted and forged into guidance through real-world engineering and leadership experiences. Meticulously crafted, each piece is a learning journey designed to inspire you to actionable results, and those key ah-ha moments.
The Internet is an indispensable resource. However, it can still be challenging to get the whole picture. It is my mission for you to find that big picture here. Jump in and start today with our Tribal Learning Model.
Connect with me on Linked In, and follow what inspires my own journey at wordsofahuman.
Get Going
Life long learning starts with that first step forward.
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